Using the Menu

You can use the options in the navigation menu to perform multiple tasks. The navigation menu is always available to the left of or above the page you are viewing on a desktop. The order of the items in the navigation menu may vary, but the following items should normally appear based on your access to the functions.

Menu items
Item Description
Home Review account summaries on the Home page.
Messages View and send secure messages.
Move Money Menus for LibertyCard Payment options, Classic BillPay and Account Transfers
Financial Center Financial Center contact information and addresses
Services Online Activity Center, Statement, Check Reorder, Requests and Forms, Refer-a-Friend, Direct Deposit Form
Settings Account Preferences, Security Preference, Alerts, Accessibility
Credit Score and Report Easily see your credit score, get the factors that impact your score, and what you can do to strengthen it.
Help Access the help documentation.
Log Off Securely log off banking.

On a tablet or a smartphone, the navigation menu does not always appear. Tap the Menu button or swipe from the left edge of the screen to show it. Tap the Menu button again or swipe to the left edge of the screen to hide it.